Glasgow City Region Investment Zone

Following the announcement in June 2023 that Glasgow City Region would be one of two Investment Zones in Scotland, the Region has been progressing through the formal process to scope and firm up the Region’s proposal, working to the UK and Scottish Governments' technical guidance.

Glasgow City Region’s Investment Zone (GCR IZ) will be a programme of interlinked projects that will provide the best opportunity to boost the Region’s innovation economy.

Businesses and academic partners are asked to submit bids for projects to benefit from the Investment Zone funding, including tax incentives, where appropriate.

Projects within the Region’s investment zone are not necessarily bound within a bespoke geographical area. They must be based now or in the future within the perimeter of the Region.

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The following sets out the key stages in the development of the GCR IZ, some of which have been completed.

The initial phase involved analysis, undertaken by the Regional Intelligence Hub, and engagement with key partners to identify the objectives and parameters of the Region’s Investment Zone including proposed sectors, geography, interventions and delivery models. An analysis of established Investment Zones in England was also undertaken.

It was confirmed the GCR IZ objectives are to :

  • Build on strengths of the Region’s current and emerging cluster specialisms;
  • Grow new and existing R&D focused firms which are geared to take advantage of local academic expertise;
  • Create a significant number of mid to high skilled good jobs
  • Generate short and longer-term private sector investment in the Region’s cluster specialisms – both through existing firms and wider supply chain development
  • Align with existing investment within the Region e.g. City Deal, Innovation Districts / Innovation Accelerator, UK Shared Prosperity Fund
  • Maximise the impacts through enhancing connections to existing clusters
  • Facilitate the development / regeneration of under-developed land and assets within the Region
  • Extend the benefit to the whole Region including developing options for a IZ skills programme for local residents and a Regional investment fund.

An initial set of priority sectors were identified: Life Sciences, Energy and Net Zero, Digital Creative Industries, Advanced Manufacturing and Precision Engineering, Digital and Enabling Technologies and Services. .

It was recognised that these sectors include the Region’s current and emerging specialisms and provide the best opportunity to generate short and longer-term private sector investment through existing businesses and wider supply chain development.

A call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) co-ordinated through Scottish Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland and our eight member councils identified and engaged with organisations within these sectors across the private and academic sectors.

Over 90 EOIs were received from across the Region and across all priority sectors.

Following a review of the EOIs the key sectoral focus has been further refined to three. Phase 2 will enable GCR to define the sectoral focus of our Investment Zone

The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement (22 November 2023), indicated that Investment Zone funding would increase from £80 million to £160 million in targeted investment, tax reliefs and other incentives now over ten years, up from five years.

As noted, the emerging government policy places a greater focus on size and scale of project and opportunity, and the focus is now placed on three priority sectors.

Phase two involves an open call for detailed project applications from eligible businesses and organisations. Applicants are to note the open call is part of the development process which will feed into the UK and Scottish Government’s Investment Zone gateway stages.

To be eligible to submit an application, your business / project MUST meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Identify within the sectors of: Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing and Precision Engineering, or Digital and Enabling Technologies and Services
  • Provide at least 60% of the project funding which will then be matched by 40% of public funding in capital / revenue investment or tax incentives.

It should be noted that the Region's Investment Zone will be a programme of interlinked projects that will provide the best opportunity to boost the Region’s innovation economy.

Projects within the Region’s investment zone are not necessarily bound within a bespoke geographical area.

They must be based now or in the future within the perimeter of GCR.

Once the application period closes (17:00 p.m. 31 March 2024), a strategic assessment to review and shortlist the applications will take place.

This exercise will also confirm the sectoral focus of the Glasgow City Region Investment Zone.

The final phase of the GCR IZ process will involve the collation of the Region’s formal proposal and package of projects to be put forward for consideration and approval by the UK and Scottish Governments.

Whilst recognising Investment Zones’ approach to be locally led and devolving delivery, GCR will agree the final proposals which will then be approved by both UK and Scottish Governments. Funding will be then released subject to the conclusion of all the gateway stages.